Building and maintaining confidence in the Welsh qualification system is central to our work. We also lead on the reform of the qualifications taken by school and college age learners, understanding that successful change requires the whole system to come together to collaborate and communicate effectively. Driving that collaboration is something that we are wholly committed to, involving others so that they can successfully play their part in the changes that we initiate.

This year, we have set out our corporate plan, with our wellbeing objectives shaping our long-term vision. Our wellbeing statement explains how our work supports each of the national wellbeing goals, and how we apply the ways of working outlined in the Well-being of Future Generations Act.

We also have a rolling five-year plan that sets out our programmes of work and the actions that we intend to take in the medium-term.

Within this report we also reflect on the way our work has considered the long-term impact of external influences and societal trends, as well as the impact of qualifications on the learner for their lifetime.

Our approach has inclusion at its heart and our equalities plan shows how this has been integrated into our work. We also group some of our actions together under our anti-racism action plan and our carbon reduction action plan.

While awarding bodies are responsible for the delivery of their qualifications, we collaborate closely with them and provide a regulatory framework that is intended to protect learners’ interests.

Together, we shape qualifications designed to meet the specific needs of learners and the Welsh economy.


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