Our latest news, updates, blogs and announcements as well as events and opportunities.
Nathan Evans, of our modernising assessment team, explores the findings from a recent series of digital assessment workshops in this four-part blog series.
Qualifications Wales has published a report examining the return to pre-pandemic arrangements in qualifications.
Cassy Taylor – Executive Director Qualifications Policy and Reform
In preparation for the launch of the new suite of National Qualifications for 14-16 year old learners from September 2025, Qualifications Wales has published amended approval criteria for GCSE Physical...
We’re proud to announce that we have welcomed two new board members at the beginning of this year.
We’re dedicated to expanding access to Welsh-medium qualifications and we’re excited to announce that the application window for the Welsh Language Support Grant 2025/26 is now open.
Well done to learners in Wales receiving results today for exams sat last November
Qualifications Wales has today published its decisions on recognition criteria for awarding bodies developing new National 14-16 Qualifications, following a public consultation.
In light of the introduction of the National 14–16 Qualifications, we have outlined our approach to reviewing existing AS and A level qualifications.
Looking back on the last academic year, our achievements and activities
Awarding bodies can begin developing the third and final wave of National Qualifications following publication of the approval criteria.
Nathan Evans, of our modernising assessment team, explores the findings from a recent series of digital assessment workshops in the second instalment of this four-part blog series.