Publication scheme

Qualifications Wales is a Welsh Government sponsored body. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) gives rights of public access to information that is recorded and held by public authorities, including Qualifications Wales. FOIA encourages public authorities to proactively make as much information as possible available to the public. It aims to promote a culture of openness and accountability among public sector bodies and improve understanding of how public authorities carry out their duties, make decisions, and spend public money.


This Publication Scheme is a guide to the information routinely published by Qualifications Wales, how this information is published and whether any fee is payable for accessing the information.


If you would like to submit a request for information under FOIA or have a query relating to the Publication Scheme, please contact:

Head of Corporate Governance
Qualifications Wales
Q2 Building, Imperial Park
Pencarn Lane, Coedkernew
Newport, NP10 8AR

01633 373222


Qualifications Wales may be unable to provide information requested under FOIA if it is exempt from disclosure or protected under Data Protection legislation.

Freedom of Information

We routinely publish our Freedom of Information responses. You can find these within our disclosure log.