An in-depth guide to all aspects of invigilation

As the independent regulator of qualifications in Wales, we aim to protect learners and build public confidence.

We have created six short guidance films and supporting resources, designed to assist exam officers in Wales when training invigilators.

Episode 1: A guide to invigilation

Episode 2: The Exam Room

Episode 3 - Exam Invigilation

Episode 4 - Exam Invigilation continued

Episode 5 - Access Arrangements

Episode 6 - Access Arrangements continued

Exams officers can access the supporting resources on the Wales Exam Officer Hub. The resources have been developed for use alongside the films and in conjunction with Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) documentation and centre specific information, to ensure centres meet JCQ inspection criteria.

A guidance document is available to support exams officers with the ‘What, Why and How' of using the resources and films.

Contact our Strategic Engagement Team:

07464 543 621 or 01633 373 299

07464 543 631 or 01633 373 247