


An update on exams this year

At present, all exams planned to take place this year are set to go ahead.

Any decision to cancel exams would be made by Welsh Government.

Last November, Qualifications Wales shared information with schools and colleges about contingency plans telling them how to award Centre Determined Grades should they be needed.

Schools and colleges award Centre Determined Grades by assessing learners’ work.

Welsh Government has asked all schools in Wales to have two planning days at the start of the term. This includes time to allow secondary school and college leaders to plan for learners to sit their January exams safely.

If learners are unable to sit any GCSE, AS or A level exams due to take place this month because they are ill or need to self-isolate, they will be able to take them in the summer instead.

Vocational qualifications are more diverse in the way that they are assessed. Awarding bodies have already communicated adaptations they have made to their qualifications to schools and colleges. If exams are cancelled, vocational qualifications similar to GCSE, AS and A level would be awarded using Centre Determined Grades (Teacher Assessed Grades). Awarding bodies will provide further guidance for schools and colleges if exams are cancelled. Ofqual has also published guidance on vocational qualifications for this academic year, with useful information for schools, colleges and learners.

Welsh Government has provided operational advice to support schools and colleges.