


GCSE learners in Wales receive their grades today

GCSE learners in Wales receive their results following the return to formal exams and assessment for the first time since 2019.

“Congratulations to everyone in Wales receiving their results today. Despite the challenges you’ve faced, you have demonstrated what you know, understand and can do – you should be very proud of your achievements.” said Chief Executive Philip Blaker.  

Qualifications Wales worked with others in the education system to identify the fairest way to assess learners this year. A package of support was put in place to take account of the disruption caused by the pandemic as we return towards pre-pandemic assessment methods.  

GCSEs were adapted this year to give learners extra support and address the loss of teaching and learning time. Exams were also graded more generously to recognise that learners have had the most extraordinary two years leading up to their exams.  

Across Wales, results are broadly midway between the results in 2019 when exams were last held, and the results in 2021, when teachers determined learners’ grades. This approach to grading was announced at the start of this academic year and is the same as the approach taken in England.  

“Learner progression is always a priority. We’ve worked closely with WJEC to agree procedures for awarding GCSE grades that incorporate established practices while ensuring a safety net for learners. We’ve also made sure that the grading process is consistent with GCSE qualifications in other jurisdictions to support learners to progress to the next stage of their lives.” 

“We know that learners were anxious about the return to exams, but overall, the exam series has gone well. We would particularly like to thank all the schools and colleges for their hard work and dedication.” 

For anyone considering their options as they plan their next steps, Working Wales offers free, impartial advice and support. For more information and support, visit the Working Wales website 


GCSE results 

  • Results in 2022 were awarded broadly midway between 2019 and 2021. 
  • 311,072 GCSE grades were awarded this summer. This is fewer than last summer, but more than in 2019. There were more entries from learners in Year 10 and below this year, but fewer entries from learners in Year 12 and above.
  • 25.1% of GCSE grades issued were grade A/7 or above, 68.6% were grade C/4 or above and 97.3% were grade G/1 or above. 
  • For 16-year-olds taking A* to G GCSEs, 11.4% of grades issued were grade A*, 25.8% were A* or A and 69.7% were A* to C. 
  • These results are for exams that were sat this summer. They do not give a full picture of all the GCSEs that 16-year-olds in Wales have achieved, because they don’t include any grades for GCSEs, they may have achieved in previous exam series. 
  • Results published by JCQ for all learners include Wales A*- G GCSEs and 9-1 GCSEs designed for use in England. As the grade scales do not directly align, results are published for key grades A/7, C/4 and G/1. 
  • Entries for the National/Foundation Skills Challenge Certificate were 24,941. 97.0% of candidates achieved the qualification, 17.6% of which achieved A*- A grades and 84.4% of candidates achieved at A*- C.


The full details of results for GCSE and Skills Challenge Certificate in Wales are available on the Qualifications Wales website. There is also additional background information on how qualifications were awarded this year and help and support for learners as they consider their next steps.