


Grading approach and contingency plans for Wales

Qualifications Wales will confirm the summer 2022 GCSE, AS, A level and Skills Challenge Certificate grading approach and contingency plans during the week beginning 4 October 2021.

The Qualifications Wales Board has considered our approach to grading in summer 2022 for the WJEC GCSE, AS and A level qualifications, as well as contingency arrangements should exams not be possible. We will announce our approach to grading and contingency arrangements in the week beginning 4 October 2021.  

We are aware that announcements have been made by Ofqual in England today (30 September) about the adaptations that will be put in place for their GCSEs and A levels, their approach to grading and a consultation on their contingency arrangements. Adaptations have already been put in place for summer 2022 in Wales, as announced in March, and WJEC has published information about the changes to GCSE, AS and A levels  and the Skills Challenge Certificate.  

The decision on the approach to grading GCSEs, AS and A levels will have an impact on certain vocational qualifications used for similar purposes, including progressing to further study. We require awarding bodies to take account of the approach taken for GCSEs and A levels when setting standards in vocational qualifications so that vocational learners are not disadvantaged compared to learners taking GCSE and A level. 

Results days for exams next year will return to their normal format, with AS and A levels being released on 18 August, and GCSEs on 25 August. Results for vocational qualifications used to progress in a similar way will be issued on or before the same days, and results for other vocational qualifications will continue to be issued throughout the year.