


Help shape the new Made-for-Wales GCSE in PE and Health

Now’s your chance to influence which individual sports and physical activities will be included in the new Made-for-Wales GCSE in Physical Education and Health.

Do you have a keen interest in sport and recreation? Are you involved in a local club or a sports governing body? Now’s your chance to influence which individual sports and physical activities will be included in the new Made-for-Wales GCSE in Physical Education and Health.

Following the publication of the approval criteria for a new Made-for-Wales GCSE in Physical Education and Health, Qualifications Wales is now asking for your feedback on the list of sports and physical activities that should be included for learners to choose from. This new qualification will replace the current GCSE Physical Education studied by the majority of learners who choose this GCSE subject in Wales. 

Sports and physical activities are key factors in improving the health and wellbeing of the next generation. Welsh Government is prioritising this through the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the Curriculum for Wales. The Curriculum is shaped around six areas of learning and experience, one of which is Health and Wellbeing. 

Qualifications Wales is reforming qualifications for 14-16-year olds to support the Curriculum and has announced that a new GCSE in Physical Education and Health will  be introduced, alongside over 20 other new Made-for-Wales GCSEs. WJEC, the awarding body, is now developing the qualification, which will be available for first teaching from September 2026. 

As part of this new GCSE, learners will choose sports and physical activities from an approved list, and Qualifications Wales is looking for your help in deciding which sports and physical activities should be included on this list. 

For sports and physical activities to be considered for inclusion in the new GCSE, they will need to meet certain criteria to ensure they provide appropriate and fair opportunities to assess learners’ skills. Qualifications Wales has developed draft criteria for this and your feedback is welcomed. 

Kerry Jones, Senior Qualifications Manager at Qualifications Wales, explained: 

“We want to be sure the new Made-for-Wales GCSE in Physical Education and Health meets the needs of future learners by offering an engaging and inclusive range of individual and team sports or physical activities. We’d like to hear your thoughts on the range of sports and physical activities we should include. We also want to check that our criteria for including these sports and physical activities is fair, and that each sport and physical activity on the list can appropriately assess learners’ skills.” 

It’s easy to get involved – have your say in the online survey between 7 November – 6 December.