


Learners across Wales receive their A level, AS level and vocational qualification results today

Results are live for thousands of learners across Wales, with A level, AS level, vocational and Welsh Baccalaureate learners receiving their qualification results today (15 August).

These results will be a significant achievement for learners and represent the final step in the Welsh qualifications system’s journey back to pre-pandemic arrangements. 

This academic year saw the return to usual arrangements for qualifications in Wales, with assessments graded broadly in line with pre-pandemic years. 

Congratulating learners, Philip Blaker, Chief Executive at Qualifications Wales said:
“Well done to everyone who has got their results today, congratulations. Results are a big milestone in learners’ lives, and many will be looking forward to their next steps – whether that be to work, an apprenticeship, or higher education.  

I hope you got the grades that you were hoping for. If not, don’t worry. There’s lots of information and support available to you, including through your school or college as well as information on who can help you on our website.” 

Arrangements for qualifications this year were the final stage of a gradual return to pre-pandemic processes that commenced when formal exams returned in 2022. Differences in approaches to awarding over the last four years mean that comparisons should not be drawn between annual outcomes during this period. 

Philip Blaker continued:
“To prepare learners in taking their next steps, it’s vital that Welsh qualifications are trusted and valued across the UK and beyond, demonstrating what learners know and can do. 

That’s why it was important to return to pre-pandemic arrangements for qualifications, to secure long-term fairness in the system, and ensure learners in Wales can progress with confidence to whatever lies ahead.” 

Thanking teachers and lecturers, Philip Blaker added:
“Thank you to everyone who has supported learners as they’ve progressed through their courses, especially to practitioners and other staff at centres for their work throughout the year. 

These results clearly demonstrate the resilience of learners in Wales and the commitment of those who prepare and support learners through their studies.” 

A level, AS and Skills Challenge Certificate results  

  • results in 2024 were awarded in line with pre-pandemic arrangements  
  • 32,235 A level grades were awarded this summer  
  • 10.1% of A level grades issued were grade A*, 29.9% were A* to A and 97.4% were A* to E  
  • for 18-year-olds taking WJEC A levels, 9.7% of grades issued were grade A*, 29.7% were 
  • A* to A and 97.7% were A* to E  
  • 41,440 AS grades were awarded this summer  
  • 22.1% of AS grades issued were grade A and 90.2% were A to E  
  • for 17-year-olds taking WJEC AS levels, 22.5% of grades issued were grade A and 89.8% were A to E  

Qualifications Wales has more information on its website about national results, as well as support on next steps, and Working Wales have guidance on options for those receiving results.