


New-style VCSE subjects confirmed

Qualifications Wales has confirmed the 15 VCSE subjects which will be available to 14 to 16-year-old learners from September 2027.

Back in January we announced a new range of work-related vocational qualifications, titled VCSEs, to enable young people to learn about occupational areas through a more practical approach to learning and assessment. 

Following this announcement, we revisited plans to develop reformed GCSEs in three specific subjects - built environment, engineering, and health and social care, and childcare - in order to establish if they would be better suited as VCSEs. 

After a period of further consultation, we can confirm that reformed qualifications in built environment and engineering will be developed as VCSEs. Health and social care, and childcare will continue to be developed as a GCSE.

When consulting on the development of the engineering qualification, we also enquired about the development of a VCSE in manufacturing if we were to progress with a GCSE in engineering. Following the decision to progress with a VCSE in engineering, we can confirm that we will not be progressing with a separate VCSE in manufacturing.

Read details of the consultation and decisions in full here


The full suite of VCSEs

The full suite of 15 VCSEs being developed for teaching from September 2027 is now as follows: 

  • agriculture, horticulture and forestry
  • animal care
  • built environment
  • business, accounting and finance
  • creative and media production, and technology
  • engineering
  • hair and beauty
  • hospitality and catering
  • motor vehicle maintenance
  • nature restoration
  • performing arts
  • public services
  • retail and customer service
  • sport, leisure and recreation
  • travel and tourism

Consultation background

These latest decisions come following wide-reaching consultations into GCSEs and vocational qualifications as part of a comprehensive review of qualifications available to 14 to 16-year-olds in Wales. 

The GCSE consultation initially confirmed that there would be GCSEs in all three subjects, however the full vocational offer had not been fully developed at the time. With the creation of the new VCSE brand, we felt that further consideration and discussion was needed to see if these subjects would be better delivered under the new vocational brand. 

There was several key considerations which helped influence our decision-making, including: 

  • feedback on, and take-up of, existing qualifications in these subjects
  • the needs and preferences of learners currently taking qualifications in these subjects
  • progression pathways, both from Foundation qualifications and onto further education or employment in these fields
  • opportunities for work placements to fulfil any vocational elements of the qualification

Next steps for health and social care, and childcare

With the decision to progress with a GCSE in health and social care, and childcare, progression of this qualification will fall into the timetable of Wave 2 GCSEs (those being taught in schools from September 2026). The approval criteria (the conditions an awarding body needs to meet for their qualification to be authorised) for this qualification can be accessed here.

Alongside the GCSE in health and social care, and childcare, we will also be developing a Foundation qualification to provide a vocational option in this subject area. There will also be a ‘looking after others’ unit available as part of the new Skills Suite. 

Next steps for built environment and engineering

We will be publishing approval criteria for all VCSEs towards the end of the calendar year. Awarding bodies will then be able to begin developing their draft specifications for approval. 

Join our online workshops

We will be holding online workshops with stakeholders to support the development of the approval criteria for both the VCSEs and the work-related Foundation qualifications. The dates for these are: 

  • Health and social care, and childcare: Tuesday 17 September 10am-12pm (work-related Foundation ONLY)
  • Built environment: Wednesday 18 September 10am-12pm (VCSE and work-related Foundation)
  • Engineering: Thursday 19 September 10am-12pm (VCSE and work-related Foundation)

If you wish to be part of these discussions, please contact