


Our Commitment to the Well-being of Future Generations

Learners are at the heart of what we do here at Qualifications Wales.

We are proud to announce our new corporate plan, including our Wellbeing Statement and Objectives. We welcome having been newly listed under the Well-being of Future Generations (WBFG) Act, and this plan shows our commitment to its principles, reflecting our dedication to long-term, impactful decision-making.

Our corporate plan outlines a strategic approach to achieving our purpose and principal aims. The plan has been designed with due consideration of the wellbeing of future generations and incorporates our wellbeing statement and objectives.

We have also established our strategic priorities and program of work and set them out in a rolling five-year plan, which is updated regularly. The detailed steps that we take each year are then outlined in our annual business plan.

Heledd Morgan, Director Implementation & Impact at the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales said:

"Croeso to Qualifications Wales and the other public bodies that have recently come under the duties of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. We have been supporting and advising these organisations to understand their duties and adopt a future-focused approach that improves well-being now and for the long-term. Despite only being subject to the legislation from June 2024, it has been positive to see the way that Qualifications Wales have already embraced their responsibilities to meet the needs of current and future generations in Wales.

“Their approach to reforming qualifications, involving learners and collaborating with a range of people, has shown they are applying the principles of the Future Generations Act already. Education impacts well-being in a number of ways. As a key organisation in Wales, influencing learners of all ages, Qualifications Wales' new well-being statement outlines the great work in progress and the work yet to be done to get us closer to a Wales we all want to live in. I look forward to working with them more as they seek to deliver their well-being objectives."

Alison Standfast, Executive Director of Resources at Qualifications Wales said:

“We’re proud to say that we have always worked in the spirit of the Act. We are now going further and have a new corporate plan that has been designed with due consideration of the wellbeing of future generations and incorporates our wellbeing statement and objectives.

“We have involved a range of stakeholder groups in shaping our wellbeing objectives, who have helped us to understand their hopes for the future.”

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