


Qualifications Wales Annual Report 2022-23

Looking back on the last academic year, their achievements and activities

Qualifications Wales have launched their annual report for the 2022-23 academic year. 

They are the independent regulator for non-degree level qualifications offered by awarding bodies recognised in Wales. Learners are at the heart of what they do, and they want them to be confident that their qualifications are a fair, trusted, valued and portable record of their knowledge and skills.    

This report provides an outline of delivery and developments over the past academic year. During this period, QW have worked on priority regulatory work and reforms, whilst looking further ahead to ensure that they continue to fulfil their principal aims for the learners of the future 

Some highlights of the year within the annual report include: 

  • how they’ve overseen the next steps in the return to pre-pandemic assessment arrangements 
  • a successful summer 2023 examinations series 
  • the development of new qualifications aligned to the introduction of the Curriculum for Wales 
  • consulting on and publishing design requirements for a suite of 26 new GCSEs 
  • the publication of their strategic priorities for the next five years 
  • their first anti-racism action plan 
  • a voluntary adoption of the wellbeing of future generations provisions 
  • their amended proposals for new qualifications in Cymraeg for 14–16-year-olds, actively supporting the Welsh Government’s Cymraeg 2050 strategy 
  • how they’ve undertaken a wide range of  activities in the post-16 sector, including sector reviews 

Qualifications Wales’ Chair, David Jones OBE DL, said:   

We must congratulate each and every learner who has succeeded despite the challenges faced over the last few years. Personally, I would like to thank all of the teachers, lecturers, training staff, parents and carers for supporting our learners. Looking back on the year, I’d also like to thank our other partners, for their hard work, collaboration and flexibility, as we have returned to more normal assessment arrangements.” 

Qualifications Wales’ Chief Executive, Philip Blaker, said: 
“Throughout this year Qualifications Wales has continued to play a key role in the education system – working with others to design qualifications fit for the future and protecting learners by overseeing the award of valued and trusted qualifications. We are pleased to share our activities and achievements through our annual report. We also look forward to another year of putting our learners at the heart of all that we do.” 

For more information, read the full annual report