


Review identifies a need to update qualifications in business, admin, retail, law and accountancy

Following a review by Qualifications Wales of business, administration, retail, law and accountancy qualifications, some qualifications will be updated to address feedback around out-of-date content. There will also be changes to support the increased availability of qualifications through the medium of Welsh.

The report outlining the findings, and the actions taken, was published today on the Qualifications Wales website.  

The review looked at whether the range of qualifications available in this sector is appropriate to meet the needs of learners, learning providers and employers. Qualifications Wales also investigated whether the availability of Welsh-medium qualifications within the sector is sufficient. 

The review found that the current range of qualifications in business, administration, retail, law and accountancy sectors is generally considered sufficient to meet the needs of learners, schools, colleges and work-based learning providers in Wales. However, some employers expressed a need for additional apprenticeship frameworks for solicitors and human resource management.  

The review also identified a requirement for additional qualifications to be available through the medium of Welsh, and a need to streamline and modernise the course content for certain qualifications.  

The findings were shared with awarding bodies and other stakeholders, Subsequently, the following actions have been taken by Qualifications Wales: 

  • feedback around out-of-date content has been raised with the relevant awarding bodies 
  • two awarding bodies have assured that they have already addressed the issues identified by the review, and others confirmed that they intend to address them in the near future 
  • findings shared with Welsh Government that some employers would appreciate an apprenticeship framework for solicitors in Wales - Welsh Government is aware of this and is currently assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of a suitable apprenticeship framework for solicitors to support the legal sector 
  • Qualifications Wales will continue to provide grant funding and seek to target this on issues found in the review, to increase the number of Welsh-medium qualifications in this sector  

Philip Blaker, Chief Executive of Qualifications Wales said: “Business, administration, retail, law and accountancy sectors employ a significant number of people across Wales, and it is important that the qualifications provide learners with the up-to-date knowledge and skills that employers in the sectors need.”  

“Through our sector review, we’ve worked with awarding bodies and other stakeholders in the sector to address the issues that we identified and to ensure that more business, administration, retail, law and accountancy qualifications are available through the medium of Welsh.” 

"We will continue to work with awarding bodies and stakeholders to address all the findings from the review.” 

The review report reflects 57 detailed interviews with stakeholders, and 332 learners contributed via an online survey. Evidence from all the responses gathered has been used to inform the findings that are presented in the report.   

The other actions taken were in relation to the overall range of qualifications, the content and currency of qualifications and assessment methods.  

Read the report in full here