


Support for learners studying GCSE, AS and A level exams in the next academic year

Qualifications Wales has confirmed that advance information will be provided for made-for-Wales GCSE, AS and A level qualifications in the 2022/2023 academic year. Any previous GCSE, AS and A level adaptations will no longer apply.

Advance information will be provided to schools and colleges to help prepare learners studying for made-for-Wales GCSE, AS and A level qualifications. Advance information gives an indication of the topics, themes, texts, or other content that learners can expect in their exams. Its main aim is to support learners' preparation.

WJEC will release advance information for the November 2022 exam series before the end of this term. Advance information for the January 2023 series will be released in the autumn and for Summer 2023 in the spring term.

Philip Blaker, Chief Executive of Qualifications Wales said:

“We recognise that the pandemic continues to have a substantial impact on teaching and learning in all areas of Wales. Most qualifications are delivered over two years, which means that some learners have already experienced disruption as they prepare for qualifications that will be completed in the next academic year.

That is why we have carefully considered learners’ needs and decided to continue with additional exam support into the next academic year. This should provide some reassurance and certainty to learners taking exams and assessments in 2022/2023.

Advance information is not possible for the Skills Challenge Certificate (Welsh Baccalaureate), so many of the current adaptations for that qualification will continue into next year.

We also anticipate that advance information may be appropriate for some made-for-Wales vocational qualifications.”

These measures are intended to be transitional and signal the journey back to pre-pandemic assessment arrangements. Qualifications Wales communicated this decision to all schools and colleges in Wales via a letter this morning (Friday 13 May) to support their planning for the autumn term.