


Updated Approval Criteria published for GCSE PE and Health

In preparation for the launch of the new suite of National Qualifications for 14-16 year old learners from September 2025, Qualifications Wales has published amended approval criteria for GCSE Physical Education (PE) and Health.

As with all new qualifications, design and development is an iterative process, involving a broad range of stakeholders. The first version of the approval criteria, developed through stakeholder feedback and a public consultation in 2022, was published in 2023. It included a non-exam assessment (NEA) requirement for learners to perform in two sports/physical activities and provide coaching or personal training to others in a sport/physical activity from an approved list. 

During the subsequent design phase carried out by WJEC (the awarding body that will offer the qualification), some concerns were identified relating to this NEA approach. These included: 

  • the time-consuming nature of individually assessing coaching sessions, especially in large cohorts
  • the complex logistics of moderating both the performance and coaching/personal training aspects of the NEA within one moderator visit
  • the potential for duplication across the exam and NEA units for learners who chose personal training of others 

This feedback was echoed by respondents to WJEC's GCSE Physical Education and Health Qualification Outline consultation in November 2024.

In response to this combined feedback, the approval criteria have been amended to support WJEC in developing a qualification that will be engaging, manageable, reliable and valid. 

The revised NEA requirements now include: 

  • performing in one sport/physical activity from the approved list (20%)
  • performing in a second sport/physical activity from the approved list, or providing coaching in a sport/physical activity from the approved list (20%)
  • planning, delivering, and evaluating a personal training activity within the context of a sport/physical activity from the approved list (20%) 

These amendments will support the manageability of the qualification while retaining the option for learners to be assessed in coaching. This approach also continues to support progression to relevant Level 3 qualifications, including AS and A level Physical Education.

The personal training activity is expected to focus on the practical application of skills, knowledge, and understanding, with a significant practical element. As a result, the current approach to the Personal Fitness Programme (PFP) will not be retained within the new GCSE. 

WJEC will now continue to develop the qualification for first teaching from September 2026. Find out more about the new National Qualifications here. 

You can read the updated Approval Criteria here.