Equalities Analysis of General Qualifications in Summer 2024


Release date:


Period covered:

Summer exam series 2019 to 2024

Next update:

October 2025 (Provisional)


Equalities Analysis of General Qualifications in Summer 2024

This release presents statistics on differences in qualification results by learner characteristics.

Key Points

16-year-olds taking GCSEs

  • In summer 2024, 22.4% of GCSE grades awarded to female learners were grade A/7 or above, compared to 15.8% for male learners. 67.2% of grades awarded to female learners were C/4 or above, compared to 59.0% for male learners.
  • For learners eligible for free school meals, 7.3% of grades awarded in summer 2024 were A/7 or above and 39.7% were C/4 or above. For learners not eligible, 21.3% of grades were A/7 or above and 67.4% were C/4 or above.
  • 6.6% of grades awarded to learners with an ALN/SEN provision were A/7 or above, compared to 20.0% of grades awarded to learners with no provision. The proportion of grades awarded at grade C/4 or above was 34.7% for learners with an ALN/SEN provision and 65.2% for learners with no provision.
  • Attainment gaps vary by subject, and changes in attainment gaps over time show different patterns for different subjects and grade thresholds.
  • Compared to other groups, learners in the “Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh” ethnic group achieved the highest results at all key grade thresholds in summer 2024. Results for learners in the “Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African” ethnic group at grades C/4 and G/1 saw the largest percentage point increase compared to 2019.

AS and A levels

  • In summer 2024, the attainment gaps in top grades achieved at AS and A level between learners in the most and least deprived areas was wider than in summer 2019. Compared to summer 2023, the gap was narrower at most grades, but wider at A level grades A* to E.

Due to the different awarding arrangements that took place, results between 2020 and 2024 are not directly comparable to each other, or to results in previous years.

More information about results by pupil characteristics can be found in the Examination Results release published by the Welsh Government.


Tel: 01633 373 292  
Email: statistics@qualifications.wales

Tel: 01633 373 222
Email: media@qualifications.wales