Perceptions and Experience of Non-Exam Assessment


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Perceptions and experience of non-exam assessment

A report about the subject-specific and cross-cutting findings from research conducted on teacher and learner experiences and perceptions of non-exam assessment in approved GCSEs in Wales, between spring 2019 and spring 2020.

Since 2019, our research team have been working on a large-scale project on the use of non-exam assessment in approved GCSEs in Wales. 

The research focuses on teacher and learner experience and perceptions of non-exam assessment and included: 

  • learner focus groups  
  • teacher focus groups 
  • online survey for teachers 

We will use the information gathered, alongside other evidence, to inform our thinking about how GCSEs could most effectively be designed to support the new Curriculum for Wales.  

This report contains a section for each individual subject which outline the main findings from each of the three strands of work. These subjects are:  

  • GCSE Art and Design 
  • GCSE Computer Science  
  • GCSE Design and Technology 
  • GCSE Drama  
  • GCSE English Language  
  • GCSE English Literature 
  • GCSE Food and Nutrition 
  • GCSE Geography 
  • GCSE History 
  • GCSE Media Studies 
  • GCSE Modern Foreign Languages  
  • GCSE Music 
  • GCSE Physical Education 
  • GCSE Science (Double Award) 
  • GCSE Welsh Language 
  • GCSE Welsh Literature 
  • GCSE Welsh Second Language

The executive summaries for both phases of the learner engagement compiled by AlphaPlus, are also available to read.

We’d like to thank all teachers, learners and other participants involved in helping us with this research.