Qualifications Wales Strategy 2018-2022


Release date:



Qualifications Wales Strategy

Our current long-term organisational was approved by our board in 2017 and runs for the period 2018-22.

In this strategy, we set out:

  • our role within the qualifications system
  • what we want to achieve
  • how we work
  • our plans

This strategy t is intended to be a high-level overview, and acts as a guide to other more detailed documents.

Supporting Plans

Our plans focus specifically on our work relating to general qualifications and vocational qualifications and are supported by our corporate capability plan. The strategic plans are intended to give longer term view of our priorities. 

As a responsive regulator, we recognise that priorities can change, so we will review these plans regularly to ensure that they continue to be relevant, and they will be formally reconsidered by the Qualifications Wales Board.

The strategic plans focus our activity and provide a basis for annual planning (including the allocation of our resources) and measuring progress.  We measure progress through the fulfilment of operational priorities set out in our business plan, and success measures are described in each strategic plan.