
With every new qualification we introduce, we aim to make best use of the digital technologies available to learners and centres in Wales. This ranges from the use of technology to capture naturally occurring evidence of apprentices’ progress in the workplace to on-screen examinations in general qualifications. 

Our modernising assessment team has been established to build on the progress that has been made in digital assessment in recent years, and to ensure that learners continue to benefit from innovation in the qualification system. 

The team works with others across the qualifications and assessment community to explore the benefits that digital technologies can offer, using its findings to influence positive change and support the development of qualifications policy. Our approach focuses on technologies that can benefit the manageability, engagement, reliability and validity of assessments, or a combination of these principles. 

Digital assessments

Schools and education settings in Wales are now teaching the Curriculum for Wales, within which the role of digital technologies is embedded and growing in prominence. For young people who experience this curriculum, digital technologies are shaping why, what and how they learn. To ensure that qualifications reflect what and how learners are taught, new National 14-16 Qualifications are being introduced with the first teaching of many subjects beginning in September 2025. 

Our vision is for learners in Wales to take qualifications that inspire and prepare them for life, learning and work – and that these qualifications will make best use of digital technologies. We are introducing digital assessments in subjects where we are confident it will improve validity in the assessment. 

We have published the complete set of approval criteria for the new Made-for-Wales GCSEs. Many of these GCSEs, but not all, will feature digital examinations and nonexamination assessments. We are also developing criteria for new Foundation, VCSE and Skills for Life and Work qualifications, which may also include digital assessments. 

Digital examinations

Digital-only assessments are confirmed for use within ten new National GCSEs from the outset. In five other subjects, digital assessments will be introduced within the first five years of study. 

In subjects such as computer science, physical education and health, and drama, digital-only examinations will be introduced. These examinations will be designed to make the best use of their on-screen format. In subjects such as digital technology and computer science, there will be cohesion between the examinations, the content learners will study, and approaches to learning. 

In examinations in subjects such as drama and music, learners will be able to review and respond to a range of audio and video stimulus materials, with functions such as pausing, scrubbing and replaying the material promoting their engagement. The materials will also be common to all learners, promoting an equitable basis of assessment for all learners. 

In examinations in other subjects, such as physical education and health, and food and nutrition, the question types available in the digital format will enhance the validity of the examinations. For example, digital assessments can allow learners to drag, drop and sequence images and text to categorise them and create process diagrams. The inclusion of videos of practical demonstrations can allow learners to evaluate the way others apply and perform their skills in these subjects. 

In other subjects, including geography and business, digital assessments will be introduced during the first five years of study. The phased introduction of these digital assessments will support schools in preparing to implement them and allow time for digital assessment approaches to be further explored and trialled in these subjects. We have also decided to allow more time for a digital assessment to be introduced into health and social care, and childcare rather than requiring one from the outset. This change is shown in the table below (updated January 2025).  

In history, a digital non-examination assessment will be introduced to enhance the manageability of the assessment. The digital assessment will contain the sources and tasks needed for the in-depth study of a historical topic, as well as facilitating the collation and submission of the assessment evidence.  

The full list of GCSE qualifications is: 

Digital assessments from the outset 

Digital assessments will be introduced later  

2025, Wave 1 subjects 

  • Computer Science 
  • Drama 
  • Music 
  • Food and Nutrition 
  • History


2026, Wave 2 subjects 

  • Digital Media and Film 
  • Digital Technology 
  • Dance
  • Design and Technology 
  • Physical Education and Health 
  • Health and Social Care, and Childcare



  • Business
  • Geography 
  • Health and Social Care, and Childcare
  • Social Studies 
  • Religious Studies  

National GCSE qualifications will also allow schools and learners to make best use of their digital equipment in other ways. In many subjects, digital technologies will be used to enable learners’ experiences, such as accessing historical resource material or taking virtual tours of natural environments or places of work. Digital technologies will also be used in the completion and submission of non-examination assessments. 

We are working closely with Welsh Government, WJEC and others to support the effective implementation of digital assessments in these exciting new qualifications.

Remote invigilation

The use of remote invigilation within qualification assessments has evolved significantly in recent years. One significant reason for this change was the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote invigilation and other associated technologies helped awarding bodies to allow some qualification assessments to continue during this period. These technologies allow learners to take assessments in a location of their choosing, whilst ensuring they are taken under controlled conditions. 

We're exploring how remote invigilation technologies are currently being used, and whether they could bring additional benefits to the qualification system in Wales. 

We recently invited awarding bodies to attend a semi-structured interview to reflect on their use of remote invigilation. We asked awarding bodies about how they used remote invigilation to adapt assessments during the pandemic, the influence of this on their current qualifications offers, and what using technologies can mean for learners and centres. Their contributions are described in our summary document.  

We are now exploring the views of learners on remote invigilation technologies. We invite learners to visit our Have Your Say platform to share their views and experiences of taking remotely invigilated assessments. 

Formative assessment

As digital technologies are used more widely in education, we are engaging with schools to understand how they are using digital technologies to enhance formative assessment practices. 

Teachers and learners have been sharing examples of how they are using a range of technologies, in different subject areas, to access revision material, attempt questions and exercises, and to provide feedback to learners. 

In our project update report, we describe these examples in detail and reflect on the opportunities these technologies offer to schools and learners.  

We are now inviting other schools to share their experiences of using digital technologies for formative assessments with us through our Have Your Say platform.  

Working collaboratively with schools helps us to better consider how digital-based assessments can be designed in ways which are manageable, engaging, reliable and valid. 

Artificial intelligence

We have recently updated our position statement on artificial intelligence. You can find the latest version here.  

Exploring creativity, innovation and validity on screen assessment

This is an exciting time for qualifications and assessments in Wales, with new digital assessments being introduced as part of the new suite of Made for Wales GCSEs. This means there’s no better time to share some of the work our modernising assessment team is doing to explore the additional benefits that digital technology can offer to assessment in a new blog series. 

We’ve been fortunate to team up with three on-screen assessment platform providers,  RM, Surpass, and TCS iON, to run a series of virtual workshops with nine teachers from across Wales to explore the opportunities and challenges that digital assessment can offer.  

In this blog series, we’ll be focusing on three key areas that came to the fore during the workshops: 

Multimodal responses – diving into the possibilities that audio and video responses to items can provide in the context of assessment design.  

Innovation – showcasing innovative item types and the possibilities they can offer in terms of enhancing the key principles of engagement and validity in assessment. 

Accessibility and inclusiona focus on the variety of accessibility tools and functions available in on-screen platforms and how this can support all learners. 

Following on from these blogs we will also be sharing a summary of the remaining teacher feedback around their experiences of creating digital assessment items as well as the transition towards digitalised assessment. 

We hope you’ll find the posts insightful – and join in the conversation with us, too.