Research & Statistics


Our aim is to provide an evidence base to inform regulatory and policy thinking and decision-making, as well as qualification system stakeholders and the wider public.  

We do this by:  

  • designing, commissioning and conducting research
  • providing technical advice in the process of maintaining standards and collecting monitoring data to enable regulatory oversight 
  • supporting public consultation activities, in particular the design of data collection and analysis
  • providing advice on how research methods can be utilised within stakeholder engagement activities
  • collecting and managing data 
  • publishing official statistics on the qualification system 
  • producing and interpreting statistical analysis
  • communicating research findings and statistical evidence with internal and external audiences

Please see Publications & Resources for our latest research and statistics publications.

Our research and statistics activities are supported by a Research Advisory Group which provides advice and challenge on research design, methodology, analysis and reporting of findings.

We produce official statistics relating to all qualifications regulated by us which are taken by learners in Wales. All recognised awarding bodies should provide all relevant data, in line with our data submission process.

We regularly update our Statistical Glossary - which provides definitions of terms used across our research and statistics work. If you cannot find the term you’re looking for - please email us.

Please direct any queries regarding statistics to and any queries regarding research to