
We collect data from all recognised awarding bodies. This page provides information for awarding bodies about the data submission process.

We produce official statistics relating to all qualifications regulated by us which are taken by learners in Wales. Therefore, data submitted to us should include all relevant qualifications offered.

Data collection templates should be submitted to us using our data collection page on QiW. The templates for providing the data are available for download from QiW. 

Reporting schedule

Our Qualifications Reporting Schedule provides a timetable of all collections and their reporting dates.

General qualifications

We collect a variety of data relating to regulated general qualifications using several different data templates. Guidance for each template can be found below, along with general guidance for submitting the relevant data files on QiW:

Vocational and other qualifications

We currently collect quarterly registration and certification data for regulated vocational and other qualifications in Wales.

Pre-populated templates for this collection are available to download from QiW once each submission point opens. Guidance documents for this quarterly collection can be found at the following links:

Data security and governance

Our privacy policy outlines information about our information and security protocols. Detail included in the policy covers:

  • your rights
  • how we will handle your personal data
  • Freedom of Information requests

Further information

If you have any queries about the data submission process, including QiW account set-up and data submission reminder emails, or if you would like more information about our policies, please contact