
If you haven't heard of Qualifications Wales before, we work closely with Welsh Government and others, to make sure that qualifications meet your needs, and promote confidence in the qualifications system.

We regulate awarding bodies who develop and deliver the following qualifications in Wales:


National 14-16 Qualifications

New National Qualifications are coming for all 14 to 16-year-olds in Wales. 

National Qualifications include GCSEs, as well as new VCSEs, Foundation qualifications and Skills Suite qualifications. 

The new GCSEs are being introduced in two waves in September 2025 and September 2026. VCSEs, Foundation qualifications and the Skills Suite are being introduced in September 2027. 

These qualifications have been developed to reflect what and how learners are being taught with the Curriculum for Wales, and to bring them up to date and meet the current and future needs of young people. 

Find out more about the new qualifications: 


Qualifications levels

Qualifications Wales regulates all qualifications in Wales offered by recognised awarding bodies, other than degrees. It's important for you to know what level a qualification is, so that you can understand how it can help you with your next steps into work, or further study.

Across the UK, most qualifications taken at school, further education college, work or university fit into one of nine levels (12 in Scotland). The higher the level, the harder the qualification. Qualifications at the same level can be very different in terms of content and the length of time they take to complete.

The Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales provides a common currency for learning achievement for learners in Wales, of all ages and abilities. There are similar frameworks in each of the UK nations.

CQFW Framework graphic


Power Up

Head to the Power Up content hub where you’ll find revision tips, wellbeing guidance and info to get you through the exam and assessment season.


Exams 360

We’re often asked questions about the exam system and how it works. Things like, who writes my exam paper and how are exam grades set?

Exams 360 is where you’ll find the answers to those and other common exam related queries.


Become a Learner Ambassador

A key area of our work is shaping qualifications that fit the needs of today and the future. To help us do this, we've established a Learner Panel, that allows the learner voice to be embedded in our work. 

Our Learner Ambassadors are an inspiring group of people with a diverse and broad range of experiences. We are always looking for new learners to join our panel, if you’d like to get involved more details can be found on our Learner Panel pages. 

Becoming a Learner Ambassador is a terrific opportunity for you to gain confidence, have your say on qualifications in Wales, and provides you with valuable experience to support in the next steps on your learning or work journey. 


Summer 2024 Results

Visit our dedicated Summer 2024 Results section.