Whether you are a school or college in Wales, work-based learning or any other type of learning provider, we’re here to support you and your learners as they endeavour to achieve the qualifications they need to progress in work, life or study.
Guidance: contingency plans to enable you to run your exam series smoothly
It is important to have contingency plans in place to enable you to run the exams smoothly, whatever the challenges.
You will need to make sure you are aware of your specific responsibilities for local and national school preparations and contingencies and advice from relevant public bodies.
Contingency planning
Given the events of the past few years, we know there is a small chance that alternative arrangements could once again be needed in the future.
Centres with learners studying for GCSEs, AS and A levels should therefore prepare for the possible implementation contingency arrangements, by planning what assessments they will be used to inform centre determined grades, should they be needed.
WJEC has guidance on contingency planning providing information on what to do if exams are disrupted in any way. We advise you to familiarise yourself with WJEC and JCQ’s guidance and to ensure that contingency plans are up to date and fit for purpose.
We have published updated guidance on planning for contingencies.
Exam invigilation
Exams are an important piece of the qualifications jigsaw and all centres must provide the right training for invigilators.
Our invigilation guide videos have been created to support exam officers, as part of their training sessions to invigilators.
Exam security
Schools and colleges play a key role in maintaining the security of exam papers and it is important that your staff follow the rules set out by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) for the security of papers and conducting exams. This information is available on the Instructions for conducting examinations area of the JCQ website. WJEC’s website also has useful guidance on what to do if any security breach is suspected.
Qualifications in Wales database
Our Qualifications in Wales database (QiW) contains details of all qualifications that are approved or designated for teaching in Wales for learners aged under 19 - excluding higher education.
Information held on QiW includes qualification titles, numbers, start and end dates, awarding body details and further information - such as performance measures and whether the qualification counts as a choice for 14-19 learning pathways.
See our Designation Handbook for more information on our process for designating qualifications.
National 14-16 Qualifications
As you will be aware, we are reforming all qualifications available to 14 to 16-year-olds in Wales and introducing a new suite of National Qualifications. This new suite includes:
We have produced a comprehensive guide to support centres and educators in in Wales with their transition to the new National Qualifications. The guide also includes a toolkit to help centres communicate the new qualifications to learners, and their parents or carers, governors and other key local stakeholders.
You can also get involved, take part in consultations and send us your queries via our dedicated engagement platform, Have Your Say.
Exams and assessments 2024-2025
In this dedicated exams and assessments 2024-2025 section, you will find everything you need to know about the arrangements for exams and assessments this academic year.
Power Up
We work with Welsh Government and other partners on Power Up to provide resources to help your learners prepare for exams and assessments.
Exams 360 - exam system explained
We’re often asked questions - and we're sure that you are - about the exam system and how it works. Things like, who writes an exam paper and how are exam grades set?
Exams 360 is where you’ll find the answers to those and other common exam related queries that may be asked by your learners or practitioners.
Summer 2024 Results
Visit our dedicated Summer 2024 Results section.
Strategic Engagement Team
Our Strategic Engagement Team maintains close relationships with examination officers, teachers, lecturers and senior leaders. The team develops centres’ understanding and knowledge of qualifications and the examination system.
They have a key role supporting exams officers to ensure accurate, efficient and secure administration of externally marked examinations and assessments.
The team carry out regular centre visits - in-person and virtually - and are responsible for providing clear and concise information and practical face-to-face guidance and advice.
You can contact the team on
All recent letters sent to Responsible Officers, Heads of Centres and other stakeholders.
Get involved
Qualifications Wales wants practitioners from across Welsh education to help ensure that we are creating a qualifications system that is truly fit for the 21st century.
From time to time, we recruit individuals to help us with that work - please keep an eye on our jobs and opportunities section if you're interested and make sure that your staff and governors sign up to our monthly newsletters.
We also run regular consultations, surveys, and involvement sessions. Please see our Have Your Say site for more details on how your centre can get involved.