


Have Your Say on Hospitality and Catering qualifications

Qualifications Wales has launched a national conversation to give the people of Wales a chance to have their say on proposals for new Hospitality and Catering qualifications.

Qualifications Wales has launched a national conversation to give the people of Wales a chance to have their say on proposals for new Hospitality and Catering qualifications.  

Industry experts joined Qualifications Wales at the launch event at Cardiff and Vale College’s AA Rosette restaurant, The Classroom, to find out more about the future of qualifications in the sector. 

Members of the public, including teachers, parents, carers, employers, and learners, are being encouraged to take part in the consultation, to give their views on proposed new Hospitality and Catering qualifications which will be available for learners in Wales pursuing careers in this vital industry. 

The proposals for new Hospitality and Catering qualifications follow an extensive sector review that was conducted by Qualifications Wales. The Going Places review was undertaken over the last two years, and included a review of qualifications in the Travel, Tourism, Hospitality and Catering sectors.  

While the feedback on Travel and Tourism qualifications was positive, and there was evidence that the existing qualifications generally meet the reasonable needs of learners, some issues were identified with the structure and range of the existing Hospitality and Catering qualifications offered in Wales. There was also feedback on the currency of the content and assessment methods, and limited availability of Welsh-medium qualifications. Therefore, the qualifications regulator for Wales has drafted proposals for new Made-for-Wales Hospitality and Catering qualifications. And you can share your views on the proposals.  

To take part in the consultation, you will need to register on Qualifications Wales’s new Have Your Say engagement website. Once registered online, you’ll be able to respond to the proposals for the new Hospitality and Catering qualifications. 

The proposed new qualifications will: 

  • offer practical, hands-on learning with opportunities to gain real-life experiences outside of the classroom 
  • reflect the way that the sector has evolved due to new digital technologies and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic 
  • develop high-quality customer service skills  
  • provide more options for learners to undertake Hospitality and Catering qualifications through the medium of Welsh. 

Speaking about the launch of the consultation, Cassy Taylor, Director of Qualifications Policy and Reform at Qualifications Wales said: 

We want young people and schools to be able to access Hospitality and Catering qualifications that are modern and align with industry practices. We’re committed to making sure the qualifications offered by awarding bodies in Wales meet the needs of learners and the industry.  

“This consultation provides an opportunity for everyone in Wales to have their say on Hospitality and Catering qualifications. We have worked closely with a wide range of sector experts to reimagine what the future qualifications should look like in terms of design, content and assessment. Now we want to hear what you think of the proposals.” 

David Chapman, Chair of UK Hospitality, a membership body representing hospitality businesses and venues, said: 

It has been a joy to work with Qualifications Wales on the Travel, Tourism, Hospitality and Catering sector review. We have worked in partnership to deliver radical changes for the industry to a system that needed the type of expert MOT that has been provided.” 

Huw Wilkinson, Regional Skills Partnership Manager of Cardiff Capital Region, said: 

“The impact that the pandemic had on the hospitality and catering sector has been staggering. As the industry continues to recover and evolve, it’s important that qualifications offered give young people the right range of knowledge, skills and experiences to succeed.  

“If you’re interested in hospitality and catering, I’d encourage you to get involved in this conversation and share your views.” 

Sandra Kelly, Chair of Wales Tourism and Hospitality Skills Partnership and Skills Director of UK Hospitality, said: 

“Hospitality and catering play a big part in the economy in Wales, employing thousands of people and generating billions for the economy. 

“I am delighted that Qualifications Wales has launched its review of Hospitality and Catering qualifications to ensure that they are fit for purpose to meet learners’ needs, supporting their progression and employment. Have your say to help shape future Hospitality and Catering qualifications in Wales.” 

To take part and have your say, visit:  

The consultation is open until Friday 2 June 2023